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Shona Christine Williams - Online Memorial Website

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Shona Williams
Born in Illinois
35 years
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Kelly Durbin Shona's Family October 12, 2008
Dear Shona's family,
    I am sorry to hear of Shona's passing. Sometimes we feel that god has taken our loved ones way to soon,sometimes god doesn't just want old wrinkled angel's he needs young beautiful ones and that is exactly what Shona is now!  Shona is in a better place now free of pain. She will be missed by all who knew her.
Kelly Durbin
Gerry and Nancy Williams Shona's family October 12, 2008

Dear Carol and Shona's family,

We are sadden to receive the news about Shona's passing. Please know that she is no longer in pain, and will forever be watching over you. Please accept our deepest sympathy and our prayers.  Shona is now in the loving arms of our Lord.

Gerry and Nancy Williams

(son of Tom and Gert Williams)

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